Various MPC web sites including fan sites, free resources and some MPC focussed businesses.
Tagged By 'mpc5000'
All tutorials, articles, reviews and news tagged by 'mpc5000'

MPC Drum Breaks
Free and completely original drum breaks in WAV format, compatible with most MPCs – pressed to vinyl, resampled and perfectly looped.

Pete Rock MPC Drum Kit
A free Pete Rock inspired MPC drum kit, featuring kicks hats, snares and claps that have the classic Pete Rock vibe, but with a modern twist. All the drum sounds are laid out into MPC programs for easy finger drumming and are compatible with all MPCs.

‘MPC’ Compatible Software & Applications
Software applications created to specifically for MPC beat makers – MPC program creation, sound conversion and other utilities, for Mac and PC.

Akai MPC Manuals
Download the latest technical manual for your model of Akai MPC sampler, including quick start guides where available.

Legacy MPC Operating Systems
Download the latest operating system for your Akai MPC, including JJOS.