Thinking of buying a used MPC1000? In this article I take a look at some of the most important things a buyer of a used MPC1000 should be aware of.

All tutorials, articles, reviews and news tagged by 'jjos'
Thinking of buying a used MPC1000? In this article I take a look at some of the most important things a buyer of a used MPC1000 should be aware of.
If you own an MPC1000 or MPC2500, you may have heard talk about the ‘JJOS’, but due to the way JJOS is kept quite ‘underground’ with no marketing from the developer himself, many people remain confused…
I’ve just updated my popular MPC25000 tutorial book, ‘Beat Making on the MPC2500’ to now also support the free JJOS – a free update for existing owners!
Learn all the hidden JJOSXL shortcuts and tricks to speed up your workflow as you navigate more efficiently around JJOSXL on the MPC1000 and MPC2500.
A collection of free live drum breaks, authentically recorded by UK drummer Timmy Rickard using authentic vintage recording techniques for a fat, warm classic sound.
In this article I take a look at whether your old MPC4000 and MPC2000XL beats will load in version 1.2 of the MPC Software. I also revisit MPC1000/2500 support to highlight a new bug.
Learn how to sync your MPC with Logic Pro using MIDI Clock. Taken from our book ‘Using the Akai MPC With Logic Pro’.
Learn how to configure software instruments in Reason 5 to be controlled by an MPC through different MIDI channels. Taken from our book, “Using the Akai MPC With Reason’
Learn how to import MPC MIDI sequences into Ableton Live as clips – this tutorial is suitable for all standalone MPCs.
Configure your Akai MPC to be fully recognised by Pro Tools as an official MIDI device, with full MPC MIDI port information showing in all Pro Tools tracks.