Learn how to configure software instruments in Reason 5 to be controlled by an MPC through different MIDI channels. Taken from our book, “Using the Akai MPC With Reason’

MPC tutorials for Akai MPC samplers from MPC-Tutor. The original MPC tutorial site which since 2002 has been bringing you hands-on MPC tutorials as well as MPC articles, MPC resources and MPC sounds for the MPC Live, MPC X, MPC X SE, MPC One, MPC One Plus, MPC Key, Akai Force, MPC Software, MPC Beats and all legacy MPCs. After checking out all the free MPC tutorials here, head over to MPC-Samples.com for our range of critically acclaimed MPC Tutorials & Courses and MPC Expansions.
Learn how to configure software instruments in Reason 5 to be controlled by an MPC through different MIDI channels. Taken from our book, “Using the Akai MPC With Reason’
Learn how to import MPC MIDI sequences into Ableton Live as clips – this tutorial is suitable for all standalone MPCs.
Configure your Akai MPC to be fully recognised by Pro Tools as an official MIDI device, with full MPC MIDI port information showing in all Pro Tools tracks.
Learn how to master the art of chopping drum breaks on the Akai MPC 500 – a tricky technique as there’s no waveform editor and no auto chopping!
A review of the free JJOS, which is without question an essential update for all MPC1000 and MPC2500 owners.
Learn some advanced MPC sequence programming techniques for both the MPC1000 and MPC2500. Suitable for Akai OS and the free JJOS.
Learn how to chop and manipulate breaks on an Akai MPC2000XL using the ‘zone’ function to create new breaks and cool stutter effects.
Learn some important concepts regarding MIDI and how to use with when producing beats on an Akai MPC, including some example hardware set ups.
An MPC1000 and MPC2500 tutorial that tackles the problem of losing snare decay tails by using a simple sequencing trick.
Discover ways in which you can manipulate and grime up your drum samples using just an Akai MPC5000.