A free MPC template that allows you to output very low MIDI notes chromatically from your MPC pads. Suitable for MPC1000, MPC2500, MPC5000, MPC500, JJOS1/Free.

Akai MPC500 tutorials, created specifically for the smallest most portable MPC around. All my MPC500 tutorials feature my signature step-by-step style, with clear screen shots and all the project files you need to recreate the MPC500 tutorial in your MPC while you read. If you like these free MPC500 tutorials, make sure you check out all my critically acclaimed MPC500 tutorial books.
A free MPC template that allows you to output very low MIDI notes chromatically from your MPC pads. Suitable for MPC1000, MPC2500, MPC5000, MPC500, JJOS1/Free.
This Akai MPC 500 tutorial covers the basics of loading files and folders into your MPC 500.
Learn how to configure software instruments in Reason 5 to be controlled by an MPC through different MIDI channels. Taken from our book, “Using the Akai MPC With Reason’
Learn how to import MPC MIDI sequences into Ableton Live as clips – this tutorial is suitable for all standalone MPCs.
Configure your Akai MPC to be fully recognised by Pro Tools as an official MIDI device, with full MPC MIDI port information showing in all Pro Tools tracks.
Learn how to master the art of chopping drum breaks on the Akai MPC 500 – a tricky technique as there’s no waveform editor and no auto chopping!
Learn some important concepts regarding MIDI and how to use with when producing beats on an Akai MPC, including some example hardware set ups.