Learn how to set up and use the MPC’s most slept-on feature, the Patched Phrase.

The MPC X SE is Akai’s latest flagship standalone MPC, with its full suite of audio I/O, 16 Q-links and large 9″ touchscreen. Learn how to use the MPC X SE with MPC-Tutor’s complete MPC X tutorial guide, ‘The MPC Bible‘.
Learn how to set up and use the MPC’s most slept-on feature, the Patched Phrase.
Use the MPC Live, MPC One and MPC X to build a life-like acoustic drum kit using round robins chopped from a live break!
MPC-Tutor’s bestselling ‘MPC Bible’ tutorial course for MPC X, MPC Live & MPC Touch has now been updated for MPC 2.5 – free update for all existing owners.
MPC Expansions look great in the browser but their thumbnail images can drain system memory and slow down boot time – in this guide we’ll learn how to avoid all these issues!
Everything you need to know about creating and using MPC Expansion packs! For the MPC X, MPC Key 61, MPC Live, MPC One and all MPC Software controllers.
This has been my most requested MPC X & MPC Live tutorial ever – how to create ‘standalone’ MPC instruments from your favourite plugins. Check out my unique 3 minute workflow!
Everything you ever needed to know about MPC X, MPC One & MPC Live projects, but were afraid to ask!
6 essential MPC X, MPC One & MPC Live tips and shortcuts guaranteed to speed up your standalone MPC workflow in no time!
Out Now: MPC-Tutor’s complete guide to the Akai MPC X & MPC Live featuring dozens of hands-on beat making projects for beginners and advanced MPC users!
In a busy day for everyone in the MPC community, Akai have now released full details of the new MPC Software 2.0 update. Here’s the nitty gritty: New graphical interface Audio track recording (128 in…