The latest version of the MPC X is here, the MPC X SE. Let’s take a look at what’s new, and what’s stayed the same….

Akai MPC news and reviews – unbiased reviews of MPCs and other MPC-related products, MPC articles discussing issues affecting the MPC world, and all the latest news in the MPC universe. Don’t forget that the most up to date news will be first listed on my Twitter and Facebook profiles.
The latest version of the MPC X is here, the MPC X SE. Let’s take a look at what’s new, and what’s stayed the same….
Acoustic drum kit expansion packed with 12 velocity layer kits, genre-snapshots and MIDI grooves played by real drummers. A complete session drummer inside your MPC.
How much RAM is actually available to use inside a standalone MPC? I did the geek-tests so you don’t have to!
Over 330 hip hop grooves in MIDI pattern format which can be paired with any MPC drum kit to provide a library of fully editable hip hop drum performances for any modern MPC and the Akai Force
Tribute to one of the most iconic analog synths ever created, the legendary ARP 2600, with over 100 keygroup instruments for all modern MPCs and the Akai Force.
The MPC Bible has now been updated for compatibility with the latest MPC firmware 2.11 and the new MPC Key 61 hardware.
MPC expansion featuring the timeless sound of the Minimoog Model D analog synth fused with the features of a modern MPC.
New flagship acoustic piano expansion featuring 7 fully multisampled acoustic pianos and 72 instrument patches for all modern MPCs & the Akai Force.
Electric Keys 2.0 Expansion – now with 8 legendary electric pianos, all fully multisampled over an incredible 8 velocity layers – the most realistic electric pianos ever created for the MPC!
Out Now! OB-MPC is our supercharged tribute to one of most revered and celebrated synths of all time, the Oberheim OB-Xa!